Wednesday, December 28, 2016

{ OOTD } Oversized outfit style

Top- Zara
Pants- Top Shop
Chocker- Zara
Bag- Chanel mini flap bag 20
Shades- Fendi
Shoes- Gucci

Merry Christmas and Happy early New Year~希望大家都有個美好的聖誕節,然後準備迎接2017年新的一年的到來~

今天JunJun 要分享我的oversize穿搭。其實oversize的穿法一開始是男性的時尚開始流行,再慢慢的流行到女生的穿搭上面。而這樣的穿搭方法可以讓你的身材看起來比較苗條又嬌小。如果身體中段部分比較肉的女生也可以藉由寬大的上半身來掩蓋。但像是肩膀比較寬厚的女生就要注意,不要挑選太過鬆垮厚重的材質,盡量選擇硬挺材質的布料來做搭配。像是襯衫類的會比較適合。


配件上我選擇了Fendi 的太陽眼鏡,這副太陽眼鏡真的很特別讓JunJun一看到就忍不住馬上購入。貓眼的鏡框加上簍空的設計,鏡面又是有點反光的。完全是讓我無法抗拒的乖乖掏出錢包了呀!而且這付眼鏡戴起來很輕又舒服,在搭配上又沒有太多限制,所以真的是很一副很推薦的鏡款呀! 包包我選了最近剛購入的荔枝皮chanel mini flap 20,這款長方形的比正方形的更好裝東西,所以給大家建議如果要選擇mini可以選擇20的購入。再來因為衣服比較寬鬆的關係,搭配小包包是比較適合的整體的視覺,如果配上太大的包包會讓整個人看起來太過累贅。

那麼JunJun今天的穿搭就介紹到這邊,大家可以嘗試看看oversize的穿搭唷!如果有任何疑問都可留言在這邊或是到我的fb page。xoxo

Hello everyone~ I am introducing oversize outfit today. I choose oversize style is because this could make me look skinner and smaller since my pump is getting bigger and bigger. Oversize is a good way for girls have wider waist. It can cover the waist and create the contrast for your leg part. But if you have wider and thick shoulder, you should choose some hard and sharp fabric instead of heavy and thick material. For me, I picked this oversize shirt from Zara because it has some special design like the ring behind the back and the vest and sleeves. This will create the visual focal points on the oversized shirts. I wear a skinny jeans for bottom because I want to give a contrast to make my legs look longer and slim. And I wear a pair of classic Gucci mule slipper to give a classic style in this casual wear. 

About my accessaries, I wear Fendi's paradeyes shades. I love this shades so much because the cat eyes frames with the halo design make this sunglasses so stands out. And it is easy to coordinate with many different styles. I will said this is definitely a must have shades. I recently got this Chanel mini flap bag rectangle in caviar leather, the size is good to go with oversize outfit. If you are thinking about getting a mini flap bag, I will recommend rectangle instead of the square one. Because this size gives more space than the square. 

Alright, let me know if you have any question on my outfit. Don't forget to follow my Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. Thank you all and wish you have a wonderful holidays~ 

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Saturday, December 17, 2016

{ OOTD } What's in my bag? Loewe Puzzle Bag review

Hello 大家好!來看看JunJun 的包包有什麼有趣跟值得分享的東西吧!別忘了支持我的部落格,insatgram 和 fb page!謝謝大家的收看唷!


Hello Everyone~ Today I am sharing what's in my bag. AlsoI am reviewing the Loewe Puzzle Bag. Let me know if you want to know anything:) And don't forget to like my video and fb page. Thank you all. 

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Thursday, December 15, 2016

{ OOTD } stars pattern is the must items for 2016

Top- Zara
Pants- Top Shop
Leather Jackets- Mackage Leather Jacket
Shades- Celine
Shoes- Tods


皮衣是Mackage 的機車外套,套上一件皮衣也可以變得比較性格,修飾掉星星圖案太可愛的感覺。他們家的皮衣不是太貴且質料跟皮質都是蠻好的,也有出不同版型的皮外套讓每個不同身型的女生可以有多點選擇。

配件方面我搭了頸環,讓脖子有個視覺焦點,而不會過於空洞。因為上衣是開得比較低的領口,所以露出的皮膚也比較多。搭配一個頸繩可以讓在比例上做個分隔,也讓脖子看起來修長許多。包包我選擇之前介紹過的Faye backpack。再次強調他的後背包很實用又好裝,搭配也能很多元。建議想買他們的Faye系列的可以選擇這款後背包。最後就是鞋子的選擇,我選了一雙牛津式的小厚底鞋。鞋子上的銀色鐵件也能和包包做呼應,一點點的厚度又能把身體比例再拉長一些。

希望大家會喜歡我今天的穿搭介紹,有什麼問題都可以到我的facebook page or instagram留言回應唷!也希望你們可以多支持JunJun讓我更有動了的分享好的東西給大家。

The topic of my OOTD is about star pattern icion pieces. Star pattern is defiently a must have this year. I mentioned the Stella Mccartney's Elyse shoes from my last OOTD post. So I want to contuine to encourage you guys to get some pieces with star pattern on it. And not to mention I am currently a 28 weeks pregnant mom. So I love to wear all black to make me looks skinner:)))
Anyways, I bought this star pattern top from Zara and I have been looking for the perfect size pattern for a while. And this top is not giving me too small or flat shape of stars, it is not too expensive as well. It is a good piece to put into your closet. The bottom part, I wear a tapered trousers to smooth the line of my hip and vsually looks smaller. 

The leather biker jacket is from Mackage. Put on the leather jacket eases the cutiness of the star pattern top and make my looke stylish. Mackage got many different type of leather jackat for the different body shape women. The price is not to costly but has the good quality on leather and texture.  

On the accessaries, I wear a sharp line choker necklace to pull my neck longer. Because the vest of my top is low so it shows a lot of skin, putting on the choker can let the visual focus on the coordinate. My bag is Faye backpack that I mentioned in my pervious article. Again, if you don't have thier Faye collection bag, get this one. It is a practical day to day bag!! Last but not least, my oxford shoes is from Tods, it comes with a bit thick platform. Wearing a bit thick platform shoe will look taller and longer propotion. The silver buckles on the shoes also match well with the big ring on my bag.

Hope you guys like my OOTD today. And you can leave comments on my facebook page,blog or instagram if you have any question. Wish you show your supports on my blog, it gives me more motivation to share quailty stuffs for you guys!!!! xoxo    

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

{ Beauty } Contouring and highlighting makeup tutorial in diamond shape face

Left to right

Bronzing Powder - Bobbi Brown: Poudre Bronzante Medium 2
Highlight Powder -  Make Up For Ever: Pro>Light Fusion
Makeup Sponge - Beautyblender: Nude
Creamy contouring kit -Anastasia Beverly Hills: Fair

Coastal Scents and Sephora

JunJun美妝特輯- 今天要來跟各位介紹如何讓你的臉看起來更立體的教學影片,我們利用修容和打亮製造出深淺的效果。讓你的臉可以更上相,拍出美美的照片唷!如果有什麼其他想要暸解美妝資訊都可以留言在我的部落格或是FB粉絲專頁當中唷!xoxo


Hello Everyone~ My tutorial is teach you how to contouring and highlighting in diamond shape face. If you want to know anything or have any question please leave comment here or in my FB page. Hope you like my video, Thank you~~

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Monday, December 12, 2016

{ OOTD } Be Elegant Be Black

Top- Zara
Pants- Top Shop
Collar Mock shirt- COS
Bag- Chanel Chevron Backpack 

今天的穿搭主題是優雅黑色,JunJun 真的很喜歡黑色的穿搭,因為黑色是十分顯瘦又不容易出錯的顏色。黑色可以很優雅也可以很帥氣,各種不同風格都能使用黑色來做搭配。但是因為全黑的穿搭很容易就顯得比較無聊沈悶,所以今天要介紹如何讓配件和搭配幫助你穿出優雅的全黑穿著。

首先,我選擇了一件Zara黑色的洋裝,在袖口和裙擺都做了小變化。袖口是十分流行的喇叭袖,今年一定要有一兩件喇叭袖的上衣。當手在擺動時,整體穿著的視覺重點就可以跳出來了。波浪裙擺的設計也能夠和袖子做呼應。在選擇全黑色的衣服時盡量選擇有些小設計在上面,這樣才能夠擺脫乏味的感覺。而我在搭配這件黑色洋裝上動了一點小心機,其實這件衣服是沒有領子的,我把一個白色假領子穿在裡面,讓胸口前面有點對比的顏色,也可以帶出優雅的風格。 這樣的白色假領子在COS有很多不同的樣式,可以當作項鍊一樣的配件來搭配。

下半身我選擇了黑色的skinny丹寧褲,因為裙擺已經比較寬鬆和波浪的版型,所以下半身就穿緊身的褲子來搭配,可以修飾腿型和拉長線條的比例。最後搭配之前提到的才女Stella McCartney 出的 Elyse 厚底鞋。這雙厚底鞋我真的是考慮了很久才購入,因為擔心有可能會退流行。畢竟以前年輕的時候也是流行過厚底鞋但後來就退燒了。還有,擔心他的底太厚很容易拐到腳或跌倒不好穿等等..。但最後還是覺得它穿起來比例很好,腿也變超長,所以還是趁著Black Friday購入了。我選擇了有星星在上面的款式也是因為stars pattern 今年也是主要的趨勢。很多牌子都出了星星的上衣還有鞋子,好比YSL出的球鞋,或是Golden Goose經典的刷舊球鞋都有星星的圖案在上面。下次當你在選購衣服配件的時候都可以考慮有星星的圖案在上面。

在配件方面我搭配了Sunday Somewhere 的太陽眼鏡,這款圓型鏡片的雙層太陽眼鏡十分特別又復古,這副的鏡片是可以拆卸的,拆下來的鏡框就是平光眼鏡,所以可以買不同顏色的太陽眼鏡鏡片替換有不同的風格變化。



My outfit of the day is all black style. Black is my favorite color in my coordinate, it is a color would never go wrong and never fades. Wearing black can be elegant, classic and also looks cool, it presents the variety of styles. Black makes your body proportion looks skinner and taller in visual. So why not wearing black :)

I choose a all black trumpet sleeves dress from Zara, I love the design on the design and bottom. This makes your outfit not too dull and boring. Sometimes black outfit can go pretty flat so the key point is you need to get some small design to call out the outfit or use accessories to decorate the look. As you can see in my picture, I add a collar inside the dress, this mock-collar I bought from COS is a lovely piece, it is easy to pair as a accessories on you dress or tops. The white collar is also pop out from the all black dress and makes the visual more interesting. 

The bottom I wear a skinny black denim pants to go with my loose dress. It can pull out the the longer and skinny looks on your leg because of the contrast. I want to emphasize my cute Stella McCartney Elyse shoes!! I saw many bloggers and celebrities wearing this shoes but I just afraid that this show will go out of fashion soon. But after I wear it, I think it is a worthy money to spend. It make your proportion better and your legs look longer. I got a stars pattern one is because stars pattern is really trendy now!! Like the YSL stars sneakers and Golden Goose's class sneakers. They all come with stars pattern. So get a stars pattern outfit this year to enhance your overall looks.

The sunglass is from Sunday Somewhere. I notice this brand few years ago and bought their classic Matahari rounded shades. It looks very vintage and classic, the lens can also take it off so that you can switch to different lens color to create different styles. 

If you want to try all black but son't know how to coordinate, just try the tips and suggestions that I gave. Creating your own all black style.  

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Sunday, December 11, 2016

{ Beauty } 2016 Jo Malone London Christmas Advent Calendar unboxing


大家好~JunJun 今天來開箱Jo Malone London 的聖誕倒數月曆啦~總共有24天24個驚喜,就讓我們來看看有些什麼令人興奮的小禮物吧!

Hello everyone, I am unboxing the 24 surprises from thisJo Malone London Advent Calendar, Let see what do we got in the Video:))

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Friday, December 9, 2016

{ Beauty } Plum lipstick- How to make your lips bigger and Fuller

Top- Zara
Choker necklace- Zara

Left to right
Lipstick #1- Bobbi Brown Creamy Matte Lip Color: Crushed Plum 3
Lipstick #2- Anastasia Beverly Hills: Crush Liquid Lipstick
Lipstick #3- Clinique: Candied Apple Pop
Lipstick #4- Mac Satin: Twig A95
Lip Liner #1- Make Up For Ever: Aqua Lip 10C
Lip Liner #2- Mac: Lip Pencil: Plum

JunJun美妝特輯- 今天要來跟各位介紹2016年最流行的豆沙色唇妝以及如何讓你的嘴唇看起來豐腴又性感的美妝教學。 其中有很多小技巧在影片當中都會和大家提到。希望你們會喜歡我的推薦。有什麼其他想要暸解美妝資訊都可以留言在我的部落格或是FB粉絲專頁當中唷!


Here is my makeup tutorial on my YouTube channel. I know it's in Chinese but I will give you guys the tips here to help you understand my video. What I am going to do is teach you how to create bigger and fuller lips when you put on your lipstick color. 

Before we start to put on the color, we need some preparation. First, you can find a toothbrush (soft one), and brush your lips. This will help to erase the dead skin on your lips and also make you lips more smooth. Second, you will need to put on some foundation (concealer) on your lips to cover your original lips' color. The reason why we are doing this is because we want the color you put on your lips is more stands out. The we can continue to the first step. 

Step 1: Use the lips liner or pencil to start to draw on the top of your lips, a bit over pf your original top lip line. And just draw a shape like seagull sign. Do not connect all the lips right now. And depends on the thickness of your lips, if your lips is really thin, you might need to go higher. 

Step 2: And connecting the line down to your original lip line. Don't go over your lips line this step because it will makes your lips looks fat and funny. It won't create a natural shape if you go over. So very important, go over at top and bottom lip line and connect them to your original lip line. 

Step3: USE MATTE LIPSTICK OR LIQUID LIPSTICK to fill your lips. The reason why you need to use matte one is because it will not showing your original lip line. The shinning and glossy lipstick will reflect the lights on you lips and make your original lip line very obvious. So use MATTE lipstick. 

Step4: After you put the color on your lips. Your lips will become bigger and fuller right now. But we just need some retouch on the edge out the lips. put some concealer to make your lips sharp and clean . And it will look perfect and fabulous. Oh! and big like Kylie but no filling inside the lips. :) Hope you like my tutorial. If you want to learn anything else about make up please leave comment over here or on my FB fan page. I would love to teach you guys more! Remember subscribe my channel and follow my fan page. xoxo

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

{ OOTD } #ChloéGIRLS

Oversized Shirt- Zara
Knitwear- COS
Leather Pants- Asos
Shades- Celine Shadow

今天來分享1952年由Gaby Aghion以及Jacques Lenoir 所創建的法國品牌,Chloé 以及穿搭。

Chloé 給人的印象一直是十分的柔美,女性化的風格和感覺。在二戰後帶來了新的時尚衝擊,挑戰著那個年代僵化古板的印象。體現出女性的柔和浪漫以及輕柔飄逸的線條。1963年 Karl Lagerfeld 成為品牌設計師,更加的強化了這柔美的形象,並且加入了波西米亞的風格。讓 Chloé又增添了更迷人的風采,帶動了70年代的波希米亞風潮。1974年推出了十分經典的同名香水,一直到今天都廣為女性所喜愛,也是女孩們必定收藏的香水之一。1997年英國披頭四成員,Paul McCartney 的才女千金 Stella McCartney接手成為品牌設計師,又將年輕活潑的風格注入了Chloé之中。將英倫風格和法式浪漫衝擊的結合在一塊,添加了多元多變的新元素。2001年,Stella的助手Phoebe Philo接手了創意總監的位置。延續了華麗與浪漫的風格,創造出Susanna Boots 和 Faye bag等經典。 

穿搭的部分我選擇了Zara的oversize shirt 和灰色knitwear來搭配,袖子的設計也成為了穿搭的亮點。今年上衣在袖口的設計也是很多元和活潑,不管是綁帶或是寬口的設計,都添增了許多有趣的元素。脖子上也搭配了頸繩(choker necklace)讓胸前的視覺不會那麼單調,頸繩也絕對是今年不可或缺的配件之一。

再來就是這款新出的Faye後背包了,今年許多品牌都出了後背包,連Chloé也不遑多讓的將它們家經典的Faye包做成了後背包。在今年2017年 Spring/Summer Runway上才出現的後背包,馬上就被瘋狂的搶購。不管是mini還是junjun購買的這款都是相當的搶手。因為這款包包不但可以後背還可以手提和側背,後背的帶子也可以拆下來變成更長的側背帶。不僅容量大又實用,Faye經典的大環設計也是讓整個包包看起來很簡單卻又時尚。絕對是可以入手的包款之一。

最後就是這雙 Chloé Susanna boots了,從2008年推出後已經8個年頭了。但這款靴子依舊是許多部落客和明星的經典穿搭鞋款。價格也是很強硬的不太打折,畢竟經典這種東西通常都是供不應求的。從精緻打造的義大利手工鑲嵌鉚丁設計,到十分柔軟真皮材質,都讓愛鞋的junjun無法抗拒的入了一雙。但記得這雙鞋子會比一般穿的歐洲尺寸再大半號到一號,所以一定要試穿看看再購入。Susanna boots 在搭配上不管是配上比較個性的皮褲或是浪漫的裙子,抑或是簡單的牛仔褲,都能在視覺上十分的搶眼。喜歡Chloé的朋友可以考慮購入他們家的幾件單品,再搭配出屬於自己#ChloéGIRLS的風格。


I choose oversize shirts from Zara with a knitwear from COS to present my outfit. The design of the sleeve creates the focal point on overall style. It is a big trend on the design of sleeves and also a must have piece in your closet this year. I also put on my choker necklace to make the front side looks not boring. Choker necklace is also an important accessaries for your outfit this year. There are many different style out on the markets. Get one or make one:)

For the Faye backpack is a new collection for Chloé's 2017 Spring/Summer runway. It is a must have bag from Chloé. I know there are so many people get their regular Faye bag. But if you don't have one, get one! Since there are many brands like Chanel, LV and Burberry designed backpack for the bag collection. Chloé is also using their classic Faye style to design a backpack. This bag is very functional and spacious. It can be a backpack, tote bag and sholder bag. So why not get one?

And last part of my look is the classic Chloé Susanna boots. The first appearance is 2008 and it's still trendy after 8 years. Many bloggers and celebrities are wear this boots for the outfit looks. It's hardly find on sale boots so if you found one get it or it will slip away really quick. Make sure you get half to one size smaller because his boots run bigger than usual size. You can coordinate with jeans or leather pants to create causal style or with soft line skirt to give the feminine style just like #ChloéGIRLS

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Monday, March 14, 2016


Top- Wilfred free
Pants- Korea imported
Coat- The fifth label
Bag- Saint Laurent college

灰色在這一兩年成為了最新的trendy color,不管是從頭髮顏色到服飾甚至配件,包包,你都可以看到灰色的蹤影。就連 #greyoutfit 都變成了熱門的hashtag。 所以我也想來分享一下Jun Jun 的 all grey outfit。


鞋子我搭配了有名的貓咪鞋牌子Charlotte Olympia所出的大理石粗跟高跟鞋。尖頭的高跟鞋也可以把腿的比例給拉長,讓腿部線條看起來更完美。而且灰色大理石紋路的表面當作配件也是非常的吸睛呢。Jun Jun 最近愛上了大理石的紋路,所以就連戒指和項鍊都是選擇大理石的銀飾。剛好也很搭整套灰色的look。所以就連小細節在搭配上也是非常重要的。

最後又介紹到Jun Jun最愛的太陽眼鏡了。這次這副太陽眼鏡是義大利米蘭的一個叫Spektre的牌子。這副太陽眼鏡在鼻梁上的連結處做了變化,戴起來蠻有特色的。鏡面則是選擇反光鏡面,這種鏡面真的流行好一陣子了卻都還沒退流行呢。再次提醒各位,太陽眼睛還是要買有保障的牌子唷,因為防UV真的可以保護眼睛以免被太陽的光線傷害。



Grey color is becoming the trendy color these two years, no matter the hair color, clothing or accessories and bags. You can see color grey is very popular in the industry. Even the #greyoutfit is also one of the top hashtags in social media. So I want to share with you my all grey outfit today.

I chose different tones of grey color to do the gradient, it makes your outfit looks consistency but not too monotonous. Turtleneck is coming back to the trend!!! So I pick this sweater to enhance my outfit. The design of turtleneck makes your shoulder line more soft but remember it also covered your neck to make it looks short. So you want the turtleneck a bit loose to not cover all your neck line. Or you can put on some necklaces to bring back the neck line on the visual. The tapered trousers that I put on makes your bottom part looks skinner. So if you got wider bottom body, this is a good way to hide it. The light grey coat can add on a sharp and clean feeling on the looking. 

My shoes is from Charlotte Olympia. I love the marble texture on the shoes, it also matches with the grey outfit. I am obsessed with many marble texture pieces lately. You can see the marble texture in my accessaries too. You know, (details matter).

The last part is my sunglassesssss. Jun Jun's all time favorite. This one is from Spektre, a brand from Italy. Good quality, cool looking and most importantly is the mirrored lens. Just want to tell you my experience from buying sunglasses. Choose the sunglasses from good quality brand. We all love bathing in sunshine but having UV protection sunglasses to avoid the sunlight hurts your eyes.  

Anyways, try your own style grey outfit next time. That might bring some interesting/cool looking after you coordinate it. 

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Wedding dress- C.H wedding
Shoes- Sergio Rossi
Wedding band- Cartier
Stylist- Coke Ho
Photography- Anna Kim Photography
Location&wedding plan- Haiku Mill
Hotel- Lumeria Maui

Jun Jun 在2016年1月份完成了終身大事,真的非常開心,也想將這個經驗分享給大家。婚禮是大約在8個月前開始籌劃,因為我和我先生第一次的旅行就是在夏威夷,所以對於這個地方我們累積了很多回憶,再加上對海島婚禮的嚮往,因此我們決定在夏威夷的Maui島上舉辦婚禮。地點方面我們也找了很久,本來是想要舉辦在海邊,但是思考後又覺得在海邊有點落於俗套(也怕很麻煩,海風又大沙子又多的。)。於是我們就在介紹婚禮的網站上發現這個地點,Haiku Mill。在安排賓客方面,我們選擇了附近約開車15分鐘左右的 Lumeria Maui來當作賓客的住宿。這間飯店可以容納約60-65位客人,飯店是走有機自然風,每天還能夠做免費的瑜伽,禪修等課程。飯店也提供早餐給房客,而且他們得食材都是在自己園子裡種的,非常養身健康。

婚禮的請帖,菜單和賓客卡都是我自己設計的,風格走的是比較簡約的自然風格。其實如果大家會一些Adobe 的軟體,可以從網上來找素材自己設計請帖也別有一番風味。婚禮的佈置是交由我們舉辦地點的婚禮策劃來安排。所有的佈置,蛋糕,Bar,拍照,攝影以及婚禮排程都是和他們透過郵件來做溝通。其實對於我們來說非常方便也很明瞭。我和我老公也是結婚前一天才看到所有的場地,規劃等等...。即便如此我們還是對於他們的規劃非常滿意,真的是很值得的結婚場地。

在婚紗方面,我只有一套first dance的婚紗是我在波士頓購入的。而奉茶紅色禮服,白紗以及晚宴禮服我都是在C.H wedding 租了以後,請我父母從台灣帶到夏威夷的。他們是可以租借海外的,非常方便也不麻煩。婚鞋我則是選擇了Sergio Rossi的 Mermaid 來搭配我的禮服。我覺得他們魚口鑲鑽的設計非常適合海島婚禮的風格,高度蠻高的很適合長版禮服,穿短的禮服露出來也非常亮眼。


Our wedding hosted in January, 2016 at Maui, Haiku. It is definitely a wonderful and dream come true experience in my life. Every girl wants to have their unforgettable moment in their once a life time event so I want to share this special moment in my life with you guys. 

The wedding location is in Haiku, island of Maui in the state of Hawaii. We started to plan our wedding 8 months before the wedding date. My first travel with my husband is in Hawaii and we have many sharing moments over here. So we chose here to create this wedding memory in Maui. In the beginning we are thinking to host our wedding near the beach but we consider there are many uncertainties factors like the weather conditions will happened during the wedding. Then we change our mind to choose Haiku Mill for our event location. 

To arrange our guests, we booked this hotel called Lumeria Maui. This hotel can live up to 60-65 people, it's not big but the experience is awesome. They provided complimentary yoga class and breakfast in the hotel. They are really friendly and nice, and the service is also perfect for our guest. What I knew is their food is originally home grown, its really healthy tasty. If you want to go travel in Maui, it is also a good place to stay in. 

My wedding decorations are all relying on Haiku Mill, they have professional wedding planer to help us walk through the whole process. From floral vendor to catering they have all the communities to help us completing our wedding. Even though I am not in Maui, I still can trust them to assist me on planing the wedding through emails and phone calls. We never fly there to check it but we are really satisfy for the experience. I also designed my inventions, menus and guest cards since I am graphic designer. If you know how to use Adobe software, you can download many templates online to design your own graphic materials. 

About the dresses, I rent them in Taipei, Taiwan (my original home town) and my parents bring them to me when they fly to Maui. It's easy and cost effective. But I still bought the short dress for myself to keep it. The Serigo Rossi mermaid heel is my wedding shoes, it matches my style and the wedding. 

Anyway, hope you guys can also have a wonderful dream come true moment with your love one. xoxo

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x