Wednesday, January 18, 2017

{ OOTD } Denim Jacket outfit

Denim Jacket- Topshop
Leather legging- Top Shop
Hoodie- Topshop
Shades- Linda Farrow
Shoes- Givenchy

2017年春夏最值得注意的穿搭風格絕對就是單寧外套了,還有單寧風格的穿搭也是十分的火紅。所以今年一定要購入一件單寧外套呀~不管是oversized或是有圖騰徽章造型的,要不然就翻翻媽媽衣櫃一定可以找出一件單寧牛仔外套來穿搭的。畢竟單寧外套實在是歷久不衰的基本款,每幾年就會流行個一次。那今天JunJun 就來介紹oversized 的穿法。

今天的穿搭是走比較休閒路線的單寧路線,我選擇了一件刷破的連帽hoodie在裡面,不但十分保暖又有能多了一個層次以及帶出帥氣的感覺。下半身選擇了緊身皮褲營造出上面寬下面窄的對比,修飾了腿型又能夠讓腿的線條看起來更纖細。鞋子我搭配了帶有金屬鍊條的中筒短靴。讓金屬的鏈條作為穿搭的點綴並且能夠和單寧外套的鈕扣做呼應。最後就是穿搭的亮點,寬大的單寧外套,你可以穿起來捲起袖子亦或是披在身上給人一種隨性自然的感覺。配件的部份我選擇了Linda Farrow的太陽眼鏡,這個品牌常常和許多牌子合作推出很多別具風格的款式,我選擇的是這副和 Erdem 合作的貓眼款式,帶出一種俏皮的風格。包包的搭配選擇了最近很紅又很難買的LV 迷你後背包,這款後背包也是非常多種背法,可以後背,側背,斜背亦或是手提,十分的好搭配,所以才會賣到缺貨還要wating list 才能買到吧~所以搭配這個背包就完全呼應了整體所呈現的休閒隨興感,讓穿搭又更提升了許多呢。

Hello everyone~ Denim jacket outfit is definitely a nice outfit coordinate during the Winter to Spring weather. You want something warm but not to heavy during seasons change so denim jacket is a good choice on your outfit. No matter you get a oversize denim jacket or with pattern and badges on it. Denim jacket is the must have item for 2017. If you don't want to buy one, maybe you can find one from your mom's closet..XD. After all it will never go out of fashion. 

For my outfit today, I picked a hoodie to pair with the jacket, it is not only can keep you warm but also bring the layer of coolness style. And I wear leather legging for the bottom, it creates the contrast of the wider top and skinny bottom. It will put your legs longer and skinner in overall visual. I also got a short boots with metal chains on it to call out the cool style, it also consistent with the button accessaries of the denim jackets. In the part of accessaries, I put on the crossover of Erdem and Linda Farrow sunglasses. This cat eyes sunnies bring out out the naughty and playful style. For the bag, I pair with lv's mini backpack, it also gives a casual feeling. This bag is also a practical piece for different styles and outfits. It can be wear in backpack, cross body, shoulder way or hand hold. This is why it is so hard to get this popular cute bag. :)

Fashion fades, only style remains the same x